I could also title this: Summer finally started!
Here in the Pacific Northwest, we've been unseasonably cool and rainy this summer. It's just in the last couple of weeks that the temperature has consistently topped 70 degrees. We've finally been able to wear our summer clothes and play outside more often than not.
For this and several other reasons, my garden this year was a total bust. The stuff we did plant just kind of sat there, not growing or growing very little. My established herbs have done very well, but that's about it. Pretty sad all around. I'm going to have to re-evaluate for next year if this patter holds... more time in containers and my little green house.
I have been considering planting some winter wheat, though. It's supposed to be great a mulch and soil conditioner and we might even get some food out of it. Wheat, rye, oats? I'm not sure. I wonder if any of those would work in my sandy, overgrown front yard...
I've been thinking a lot about food lately. I've been slacking off lately on making more healthy food, and my energy level and weight have definitely felt the effects. For awhile I was doing some pretty good calorie counting, but that didn't really do much either.
I've got a history of PCOS and insulin resistance, which I think might have been part of the problem... if I don't balance the proteins and carbs, it doesn't seem to matter how few or how many calories I'm taking in...
So I've been trying to come up with a new plan. I think some combination of a raw diet, a flexitarian diet and an insulin resistant diet might work if I can make it easy enough to manage with 3 kids and a husband. It will take some research and planning, but I'm going to give it a shot!
I'm also very interested in this: 100 Days of Real Food. I haven't read through too much of the site, but they seem to have mini-challenges and tips on doing a mostly local, real food experiment. I wonder if I could pull something like that off...