Sunday, December 26, 2010

Project: Organization

This is kind of a New Year's resolution, I guess... I've been wishing for more organization around here lately. I had a decent system going until about halfway through my pregnancy (so... a year ago!) and then I was tired and chasing after the other two kids and it all fell apart. So now that the little Cat is able to amuse herself long enough for me to occasionally get something done, I'm going to try and get the house back together. First up? A household notebook. I've been reading about them for the last few days and I really think that some written schedules would be a good thing. And Hubby could definitely benefit from detailed instructions. He wants to help, but he doesn't usually know how. Or he only does half of the job without it occurring to him that he's not done.

So. Today I bought a notebook and some paper. I'm going to try and get the outline of our schedules into it this week so that it's ready to start, more or less, in 2011. Once I get an idea of what I'm doing, I'll share it here.

Because how can I manage a little garden and farm if I can't even sweep the floor regularly!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Welcome to the MaisyMae Farm blog

There is no MaisyMae Farm just yet, but I'm hoping there might be in the future! I'd love to move onto a little farm (or even just a little bit of land) and have chickens, goats, cows, horses, donkeys... whatever I can get my hands on, really, maybe in miniature. I want to learn how to grow things and preserve food. I want to improve my knitting and sewing skills. Maybe I'll learn to make soap and/or cheese. I need to get back to making my own bread and yogurt.

I want to live sustainably and be self-sufficient. But, for now, it's just a name. And, I guess, a dream.